Around the clock medical advice.
1800MD provides access to various tools that appeal to large group insurance providers. Their core service, Telemedicine, gives doctors direct access to patients through telephone, email, and video-chat. They also provide discounts for prescriptions and various other medical needs. They operate business to business, connecting insurance providers and doctors.

1.800MD needed to increase the features available to their partners by developing a new member portal. This included integrating third-party data and revamping the 1.800MD website. The project also included building a member services portal, securing data importing and exporting, and integrating APIs to expand services.
Member Services Portal
Secure Data Importing and Exporting
Integrate APIs to Expand Services
Revamp Marketing Website

Develop a Member Services Portal
Integrate with Company API
Our backend developers integrated the 1800MD API into their third party service providers to enable seamless telemedicine services within the web application system.
Customize Group Member Portal
We implemented customizable portal designs that allow individual groups and partners to white label the client login experience.
Third Party Services
We added linking functionality to third party services to give users the ability to find prescription discounts and pharmacy services.
User Error Tracking
Greenstone provides analysis and diagnostic tools for user errors and monitoring.
Data Search and Capture
We developed the functionality to gather user health history and integrated it with a third party service for logically and securely storing the information.
Secure Data Importing & Exporting
Bulk Import
Imported several hundred thousand user records from excel into the web application. We also developed a bulk update functionality for large groups.
Share and Invite
Developed the functionality for users to sign up and create their account with a strategic invitation process.
Data Migration
Extracted and packaged the data from the previous services portal into the newly developed web portal.

Integrate APIs to Expand Services
New and Expanded Data Integration
Set up centralized and expanded services for members through third party API integrations that were unavailable on the previous platform.
Reporting Services
Set up a download option for data and usage reports.
Scalable Third-Party Access
In order to handle on-demand requests for third party integrations, the team created a quick process to expedite integrating any new data.
Revamp Marketing Website
Front End Design Implementation
The in-house design team provided Greenstone with the web design templates, we implemented the design in a WordPress framework nearly 100% to spec.
Optimized Workflow
Greenstone develops with a WordPress framework that enabled 1800MD to quickly and correctly update their website for speedy and automated workflow.
Using a grid framework, the website's design was translated to be mobile and tablet responsive, using customized code when needed to adapt to special screen sizes.
User Experience
With light animations and bold "call-to-actions", the revamped website makes on-boarding with 1800MD a breeze. 1800MD reported higher conversions and higher satisfaction for their partners using the new website.