Why Email Marketing Works for B2B Companies

Have you ever considered using email marketing to boost your business, but given up on the idea because you think it won’t work, or you think it isn’t worth it? The numbers tell us email marketing does indeed work. So, if you’re not using email to communicate with current and potential customers, you’re missing out. According to a study by SuperOffice, every $1 you spend on email marketing gets your company more than $43 in return.

Email marketing is an effective tool for B2B businesses. Let’s take a look at why that is and how to implement an email marketing strategy in your business. 

You Can Build A Community Around Your Business

Using email marketing regularly and effectively ensures you have an engaged, informed and dedicated audience. Your customers will no doubt appreciate the information you send out if it’s truly valuable. And you stay top of mind while nurturing your long-term relationships as well as creating new ones. 

Keeping up with email marketing can help you foster a healthy and strong community of people who are interested in your business in the long term. Email marketing is  particularly helpful in reaching out to customers because it’s a consistent form of communication, unlike ads, which customers may see once or ignore. Regular emails strengthen and deepen relationships. 

You Can Establish Authority In Your Industry

You want to impress and interest your audience, not bore or annoy them, so it’s important your emails are interesting and worth reading. Your emails don’t have to contain just text; the sky’s the limit, as you can include case studies, white papers, infographics, and other materials to inform your audience. By sharing valuable information and keeping your customers informed regularly, you establish yourself as an authority in the industry.

Establishing yourself as an expert in the industry helps foster trust among existing customers and leads. When individuals gain trust in you and your business, they tend to come back and even share your business with others – another way to build community. Setting yourself up as authority boosts overall brand awareness, making you the go-to resource. 

You Can Send Targeted Emails

Email marketing is targeted, so you can easily send specific emails to different sets of customers. If you have a sale that only applies to a certain group of customers, you don’t have to send it out to everyone on your list.

Through email targeting, you can also nurture leads at different stages of the buying cycle. A customer who just found out about your business might respond better to certain emails than a customer who is closer to making a purchase.

You Can Track Your Success

With the help of online tools like Mailchimp, SendGrid, Hubspot, and other email marketing platforms, you can track your success. If something isn’t working, you don’t have to continue spending time or energy on it; you can switch up your approach to make sure you are constantly improving your marketing strategy. 

You can track everything that happens with your email marketing campaign, from open rates to click-through rates to unsubscribe rates for each individual email. By looking at how these factors work together, you can optimize your campaign, better understand your target audience, and do more of what works. What you learn from email campaigns doesn’t have to stay in the email marketing department, either; you can use these analytics to understand your customers better and hone your entire marketing strategy. 

Email marketing is a necessity for any modern B2B business looking to make the most of their marketing budget, time and energy. If you’re a B2B business thinking about implementing email marketing, there’s no better time to get started. 

Let us help you implement an effective email marketing strategy. Schedule a call to discuss your business and how email can generate new and returning customers.
