4 Things You’re Probably Doing (But Shouldn’t Be), and What To Do Instead

Spring is around the corner. And what does spring bring? Spring cleaning of course! And spring cleaning isn’t just for your house; it can also be great for your marketing materials. 


We’ve put together a list of four tactics that you’re probably using for your digital marketing campaign, and how you can turn them around to get better results. 


Let’s get started. 


1.You Rely Heavily on Adjectives 


Does this type of language sound familiar? “Our programs are budget-friendly, effective, and customized to your needs.” We’re guessing it does. 


Notice how heavily that sentence relies on adjectives to get its point across? By replacing those adjectives with action verbs, you’ll provide a better visual for your customers and show them how you can solve their problem – instead of simply telling them. 


Check out this improved example: “Our programs will save you money and help each team member grow their individual strengths so your company will grow year after year.” 


2. You’re Using Too Much Jargon 


You’re used to your business and the language you use within it. Because you use it and are exposed to it every day, it’s familiar. But your customers don’t experience the same familiarity, which means they aren’t getting a clear idea of what you’re trying to sell them. 


The solution is to keep your messaging simple. Over-complicating it will just frustrate your customers and dissuade them from reading further – no one wants to work hard just to understand what a company is trying to sell, because we’re all busy and, let’s face it, pretty distractible. 


Straightforward is the way to go. By inserting too much jargon, you’ll alienate your customers, and that’s the exact opposite of what you want to do. Instead, include them in your messaging and help them see themselves using your product or service. 


Using clear-cut, concise language also makes you a more trustworthy source. Address your audience’s feelings, interests, and needs, and they’ll know that you’re on their same level, which will make them more likely to engage. 


Don’t waste time being clever or cute, either. While you may be under the impression that such language piques customers’ interests, it doesn’t. What does catch their attention is being upfront, real, and friendly. 


Within the first five seconds of clicking, a customer should know what your business is, what you offer, if you’re credible, and the steps you want them to take. To create messaging that checks these boxes, focus on the customers’ problem, use an active voice, and keep your sentences/paragraphs short. 


 3.You’re Not Utilizing Your ‘About Us’ Page the Right Way


Most companies think their ‘About Us’ page is the perfect place not only to explain who they are and what they do, but to boast their accolades and accomplishments. This doesn’t actually boost customers’ trust in the way you might think. 


What does boost their trust is your ability to relate. You should still concentrate on showing brand authority, and make that happen by talking about why you do what you do – and the reason should revolve around the customer, because they’re the hero of your story. 


Here’s an example: “You deserve to partner with someone who can guide you every step of the way, which is why over the past 50 years we’ve accumulated an experienced bench of practitioners for you to choose from.”


Notice how the focus is placed on the customers’ needs, but there’s still information included that awards authority to the company by sharing how long they’ve been in business. 


4.You’re Forgetting Email Marketing 


If your budget is tight, we urge you to consider replacing paid ads with email marketing, since email marketing is a lot cheaper and typically comes with a higher conversion rate. 


When you use email marketing, though, try to stay away from relying on the word ‘newsletter.’ While it might be tempting, your customers will see that word and not find any value in it. 


It’s the content of your newsletter that reels them in, so lead with that. This is how you set your newsletter apart and get people to click and download. No one needs a newsletter to survive, but they might very well need the content inside it. 


Forget the word ‘newsletter’ and replace it with something like ‘free guide.’ Customers are much more apt to download something called ‘5 Signs You’ve Found the Right College’ than they are to download something that’s generically called ‘a newsletter.’ 

Tidy Up Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Out with the old and in with the new is a great motto to live by during this digital marketing spring revamp. At Greenstone Media, we’ve got the resources, tools, and information you need to give your digital marketing campaigns brand new life. Schedule a call with us today to learn more and see what we can do for you! 

