What is the StoryBrand Brandscript?

If you’ve started clarifying your company’s marketing message, you’ve likely heard of the StoryBrand Brandscript.

Many companies struggle to talk about what they do in a way that generates interest and drives sales. The StoryBrand Brandscript is a seven-part framework that helps you tell your customer’s story so they listen.

In this article, we will walk you through what the StoryBrand Brandscript is, as well as how it helps you create content for your audience. After you complete a Brandscript you will feel confident about the story you need to tell to engage your audience.

Let’s get started.

storybrand brandscript

What is a StoryBrand Brandscript?

In 2017, Donald Miller published a book entitled, “Building a StoryBrand: Clarifying Your Message so Customers Listen”. In the book, Don uses the elements of story to create a clear way for companies to talk about their product or service. Instead of telling your company’s story, Don suggests that you should tell your customer’s story. After all, that’s the story that they’re really interested in.

The call to action in the book is to fill out a Brandscript using the seven-part StoryBrand framework. The StoryBrand Brandscript is an organization tool for telling the story your customer needs to hear.

Since StoryBrand began, over 100,000 Brandscripts have been completed by companies that want to grow their business. StoryBrand suggests that if the elements of story are able to keep us in our seats at the movies, then they can also engage our target audience.

Here’s the seven-part framework that engages an audience.

  1. There’s a character
  2. The character wants something
  3. But there’s a problem in the way
  4. And so the character meets a guide
  5. Who calls them to action
  6. And helps them avoid failure
  7. And end in success

Underneath each element is a section where you identify how this story can become your target audience’s story.

How Do You Use The StoryBrand Brandscript?

Once you complete a StoryBrand Brandscript, you can use it to transform how you talk about your product or service. For example, here’s a formula that you can use when someone asks you what you do:

The problem your audience faces + How your company solves it + 

The result your customer receives

What would happen when every person at your company is asked what they do for work and they give an answer that raises interest? It would turn your entire team into a sales force. And it all starts with a Brandscript.

After you can talk about what you do in a way that is interesting, it’s time to take a look at your website.How can the StoryBrand Brandscript transform your website so that it makes you money?

Using The StoryBrand BrandScript To Transform Your Website

Your website should be a concise statement of what you offer, coupled with the results your customer will see as a result of your product or service.

Beyond that, it’s important to remember that while you solve an external problem for your audience, customers buy because of an internal problem. In other words, how your audience’s problem makes them feel is the real problem that they’re trying to solve. (If you’ve completed the Brandscript, you’ve filled out the internal problem section of your audience’s story.)

Keep in mind that there’s no story unless there’s a problem. Your website should point out the problem your customer has, the way it makes them feel, and what’s at stake if they don’t get the problem solved. Most websites try to convince people that their solution is the best. The problem is, this makes your website more about you than your audience!

Once you understand the problem your customer has, you will be well on your way to creating compelling content that your audience will read.

The Takeaway

If you always feel like you don’t know where to begin with your marketing, begin here. Filling out the Brandscript is step one to creating a clear company message. You want to start to reorient the story you tell at your company to be around your customer. Then and only then will they listen.
