5 Reasons Your Business Needs A Website That Works

There are very few businesses out there that don’t have a website, and for good reason. But there’s no point in having that website if it doesn’t do its job! Your business needs a website, but not just anything—a website that works for you. Whether you’re a new business, one of the holdouts that do not yet have a website, or the owner of a website that just doesn’t seem to be working, the following tips are for you.


  1. Provide Credibility

When you’ve got a highly functional website, people will take note. What does it mean to have a highly functional website? Basically, your site provides a great user experience and performs all the functions that it says it will. If you have an online order form, for example, the form is easy to fill out and submit. If you have contact information on your site, that information needs to be accurate and up-to-date. If your audience has to sit and wait for your pages to load, jump through one too many hoops to find the information they’re looking for, or is faced with a broken link then not only are they likely to give up on your website and move on to another site that works smoothly but they’re also more likely go with another brand they can trust to provide a better overall customer experience. A poor online user experience is a chink in the armor of trust and authority for your brand. 

On the other hand, when a viewer comes to your site and finds all the information and services they need, they’ll assume that your business knows what it’s doing and will be able to provide that same level of service consistently, whether in person or online. 

  1. Inspire Visitors to Act

If your website is attracting visitors but those visitors aren’t converting into customers, your site is not doing its job, not matter how great it looks or quickly it loads. You need a website that works and serves its purpose… which should be to convert visitors into customers, donors, clients, or students, depending on your industry. You want your website to motivate viewers to take the next step towards your product or service, and a good, working website is more than capable of doing that.

If you’re not sure where to begin, check your site for the following:

  • Calls to Action. Make sure you have at least one very clear call to action on your site. Explicitly state what your viewers should do next, whether that’s make a purchase, contact your company, or something else completely. We also suggest repeating your primary CTA (call-to-action) 5 to 8 times on your home page, depending on the length of the page, and at least once on every other page of your site.
    example of a clear call to action button on a website that works
  • Viewer Success. Show your readers what success looks like, and how your service or product can make it a reality for them. Once you’ve determined your audience, you’ll be able to clearly show them the success they can achieve through your organization with testimonials, case studies, and imagery that aligns with their goals, interests, and desires. If you can build trust with your audience and help them visualize the success they’ll experience, then they’re more likely to choose you over your competition. This can also help them make a decision more quickly, shortening your sales cycle!
  1. Make Your Business More Accessible 

When someone is looking for a service or product today, one of the first things many of them will do is search for that product or service online. If your business doesn’t have a website, it’s suddenly totally inaccessible to all these viewers who search online first. Worse, if you don’t have a website that works, these searches will direct potential customers straight to your competitors (who do have websites) instead. 

Even a basic one-page marketing site can help your business show up in search results, improving your brand awareness. Without a working website, not only will a significant number of people never know about your business at all, but they’ll have a much harder time contacting you. Your website can keep you in touch with your audience simply by providing email, chat, and phone options all in one convenient place. 

  1. Set the Tone for Your Business

When people aren’t familiar with your business, your website can be a great indicator of what to expect from your brand. Is your business lighthearted and fun, or serious and informative? Your website can convey this information to viewers almost immediately and will help you hone in on your desired audience. 

One of the best ways to do this is by creating a brand script for your company. To do this, succinctly explain how the main character (your customer) can overcome a conflict (an obstacle in their life) and reach a resolution (thanks to your product or service). When you write this story in the tone of your business, your readers will get a better understanding not only of your product but your company culture and how you help them as well. 

  1. Bring You New Customers

Thanks to tools like Google Analytics and search engine optimization (SEO), a website that works well will not only make you accessible to your current customer base but will attract new customers as well. When your content is relevant and well-written, search engines will automatically list your website higher in their search results, so anyone shopping for a service or product in your sphere is more likely to find your website and your business by extension. Your website can be optimized to help you reach more of your ideal audience, whether you’re a local business, national or international organization.

If you are an established business that is just now getting a website, this can be especially useful; you’re likely to attract a whole new audience that relies more on online information than your previous customer base. Adding some new blood to your customer base can make you more relevant and long-lasting than you’d otherwise be able to be.

Need more than this blog? Download our free e-book, 5 Must-Have Components of a Website that Works by clicking here.


Last updated: 07-10-24
