Do You Know Your Audience (Potential Students) and What They Really Want?

The best way to attract prospective students and get them to apply is through marketing – but not just any marketing. You’ve got to put your best foot forward and target your audience for exactly who they are and where they are in their enrollment journey.

But how do you find out who they are? How do you get to know them, and what they want? These are things you have to know in order for your message to resonate. You’ve got to speak your audience’s language, and that starts with knowing exactly who you’re talking to.

To get to know your audience, you’ve got to think of your target demographic and what problems they’re encountering. Ask yourself – how does their problem relate to my institution?

Is your audience looking for a school that accommodates their unique schedule and allows them to further their career? Is your audience looking for a four-year degree that begins right out of high school? These are questions you should have the answers to. That way, you have an idea of how such problems make your audience feel.

Feelings are strong drivers of action. If you can understand what negative thoughts and emotions your prospective students experience (and what gets them really excited!), then you can adjust your messaging to show how you can change that negativity into a positive outcome. Once you understand their problems and goals on a deeper level, you can provide the hopeful solution they’ve been looking for, creating deeper engagement and instilling trust.

If the audience followed your plan, what would success look like? Would they be positioned to start the career of their dreams? Would they gain the certification they need for a promotion or raise?

This is information your message should communicate clearly and upfront.

All in all, your marketing message should rely on a story format with your audience as the main character and your institution as the guide who helps them succeed in their story. By applying a story structure to your marketing efforts, they’ll be more effective and they’ll connect with your audience on a deeper level. It’s your job to define the problem for your audience – in this case, the student who is seeking higher education – and provide your program as a viable, desirable solution. Once you understand your target audience, you’ll understand what they want – and now you know how you can offer it to them.

It’s all about creating the framework of a story for your audience – your prospective students. By inviting them to participate in a story, you’re including them on the journey where success is the end result. Show them that such an achievement is possible when they join your program, and you’ll reach your target audience exactly in the way you hoped.
