The Booklist We Recommend for Smarter & Simpler Marketing

If you’re interested in the world of business, you already know that marketing and business are complex topics that are constantly evolving. It is important to find resources and tools that help you to improve day by day across the board. There’s always more to learn about marketing and business, and books are a great place to start that learning process.

If you’re looking to add to your library and increase your business knowledge at the same time, the following two books are a great place to start.

Marketing Made Simple

Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller is a useful book for novices and experts alike. Marketing is all about telling a story, and Miller has advice on what kind of story will resonate most with your potential customers. As Miller says in the book, “customers are not interested in your story. They are, rather, interested in being invited into a story that has them surviving and winning in the end.” Does your business model tell potential customers a story where they can see themselves as the hero?

Check out this book if you’ve been looking for effective ways to increase the range of your message or ways to make your marketing story more engaging.

Business Made Simple

Like its counterpart, Business Made Simple, also by Donald Miller, was written to help individuals maximize their potential in business. If you’re interested in proven pieces of business advice that have helped other people get ahead, this book could be extremely useful for you. Miller’s advice is practical and easily digestible. For example, “here’s a rule: if you don’t attract people to the thing you built, they won’t come.” Or even simpler, “people always reject a confusing offer.”

This is a book filled with tips that are easy to apply and could dramatically improve the way you work.


We recommend both of these books and also encourage you to branch out and discover new authors and books that resonate with you. Taking the time to read some expert or semi-expert advice can make a huge difference in your work goals and attitude, and can give you access to a level of information that might be impossible to find otherwise.  Reading a good book filled with good advice can be a uniquely motivating experience and can change your business for the better!

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